Apollo ProHealth our answer to raising Tsunami of NCDs

NCDs account for 65% of all deaths in India. A focus on prevention will be transformative for the health of the nation.  At Apollo Hospitals we are harnessing the power of technology to develop new methodologies for screening, detection, and patient risk profiling. We are using our pioneering experience of over 37 years and countrywide network to create and innovate new models of care to improve clinical outcomes. We have been the first to adopt Artificial Intelligence and Big data analytics to predict risk and personalize care.

There is a need to look at new norms of preventive health management that allow us to detect and tackle risks from NCDs before they manifest, even more so in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Health of the Nation report offers a unique perspective of the healthy and unhealthy - across occupations, economic segments, and demographics, and trends of non-communicable diseases across the country. The study will help put in place approaches to improve disease prevention, increase the accuracy of early diagnoses that will, in turn, lead to a more personalized and patient-centric treatment approach.

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